Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Soooooo i had a little too short day at work, as a result; i decided to get LITTLE drunk :D

I just so happened; as i loathed through the self-pity of mine, to stumble upon a sketch couple months old. Originally  done as Rosalina as a request, but as rejected sketch decided to do some tweaking on it.
Without further ado, here's some sneak prev. :D
Thought to do something different for the usual passive facial expression you usually see.... :)
Don't know why it's so angry though :D

Stay tuned for the rest!

PS. for the requests; hang on there!! i WILL get them done when i got the time and inspiration for the free work

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Found some Christina Hendricks sketches!!

Found some rough sketches i did few months ago, inspired by none other than Christina Hendricks!
It's good thing to double check you're old drives before selling them :D

Cant wait Mad Men season 5!!!